Vente du 28/03/2012 : Electroménager
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Date | Quantité | Désignation | Prix | Vendeur |
28/03/2012 | x1 | (891346)-ROBOT KENWOOD KMIX 51 500W 5L FRAMBOISE | *** | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | Vertical Broach Make Forst Model RISH 4x1000x320 Serial No 12 1997 4 Ton Downstroking Capacity, 1000mm Stroke, 320mm Retriever Stroke, Siemens Simatic OP37 PLC Control Plant No. MB60788. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €1,500 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 750e | 3462 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | (891327)-TIREUSE A BIERE SIMEO PF 182 70W 5L | *** | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | (891327)-MACHINE A EXPRESSO TASSIMO TAS5543 ROUGE | *** | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | (891327)-RASOIR ELECTRIQUE PHILIPS HQ 7390 | *** | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | (891349)-COCOTTE CLIPSO SEB CONTROL + 8 LITRES | *** | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | (891349)-LAMPE EVEIL LUMIERE PHILIPS HF 3485 | *** | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | (891349)-CENTRALE VAPEUR CALOR GV 7095 CO | *** | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | CNC Gear Hobber Make Liebherr Model LC122 Serial No 848 1995 Siemens Sinumerik 840C Control.Max Workpiece Diameter 125mm, Axial Travel 250 (400) mm, Shift Travel 180mm, Hob Diameter 90mm, Hob Length 210mm, Max Module 3, Hob speed 5,500 1/min, Load/Unload Carousel. Swarf Conveyor, (Approx) 8000kg Plant No. MB60862. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €1,100 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 5000e | 43953 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | (891322)-CAFETIERE TASSIMO BOSCH T 55 TAS 5543 ROUGE | *** | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | CNC Through Feed Double Disc Grinder Make Giustina Model R224 Serial No 139 1995 Siemens Sinumerik 810G Control. Max Workpiece Diameter (Through Feed 200mm/Rotary 150mm), Max Workpiece Thickness (Through Feed 80mm/Rotary 80mm), Abrasive Diameter 660mm/760mm, Motor 50HP, (Approx) 8000kg, Marposs E3 Micro Probe Amplifier Plant No. MB60858. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,480 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 6000e | 17142 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | (891322)-ASPIRATEUR ROWENTA SILENCE FORCE RO 462711 AVEC SAC 2100W NACRE | *** | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | CNC Through Feed Double Disc Grinder Make Giustina Model R224 Serial No 141 1997 Siemens Sinumerik 810G Control. Max Workpiece Diameter (Through Feed 200mm/Rotary 150mm), Max Workpiece Thickness (Through Feed 80mm/Rotary 80mm), Abrasive Diameter 660mm/760mm, Motor 50HP, (Approx) 8000kg, Marposs E3 Micro Probe Amplifier Plant No. MB60914. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,480 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 6000e | 17832 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | (891322)-BABY PHONE BABY MOOV EXPERT CARE | *** | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | CNC Centreless Grinder Make Estarta Model 318 MV Serial No 919102 1999 Siemens Sinumerik 840D Control. Max Part Diameter 50mm, Max Infeed Grinding Length 254mm, Grinding Wheel Dimensions 610 x 254 x 304,8mm, Regulating Wheel Dimensions 305 x 254 x 203,2mm, Vicnay 250Kg Swing Jib Crane with Pendant Control Electric Hoist. Ideatec TSB100 Inclined Power Feed Conveyor with Vibratory Bowl Feed, (Approx) 7000kg Plant No. MB61054. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,100 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 7000e | 23989 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | (891322)-COCOTTE SEB CLIPSO MODULO 10 LITRES | *** | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | CNC Through Feed Double Disc Grinder Make Giustina Model R224 Serial No 140 1997 Siemens Sinumerik 810G Control. Max Workpiece Diameter (Through Feed 200mm/Rotary 150mm), Max Workpiece Thickness (Through Feed 80mm/Rotary 80mm), Abrasive Diameter 660mm/760mm, Motor 50HP, (Approx) 8000kg, Marposs E3 Micro Probe Amplifier Plant No. MB60913. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,480 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 6000e | 16614 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | (891311)-MACHINE A PAIN MOULINEX OW 500/300 1.5 kg (en capacité) | *** | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | Cold Forming' Roll Finishing Machine Make Escofier Model H40Z Serial No 4027 2001 Siemens Simatic OP37 PLC Control Plant No. MB61078. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,250 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 2500e | 8671 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | (891311)-CAFETIERE TASSIMO BOSCH T 55 1300W TA S5543 BORDEAUX | *** | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | (891311)-CAFETIERE TASSIMO BOSCH T 55 1300 W TA S5543 BORDEAUX | *** | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | (891311)-ASPIRATEUR ROWENTA 2100 W MAX POWER AVEC SAC NACRE | *** | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | Cold Forming' Roll Finishing Machine Make Escofier Model H40Z Serial No 40015 1997 Siemens Simatic OP37 PLC Control Plant No. MB60937. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,250 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 2500e | 7925 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | (891311)-ASPIRATEUR ROWENTA SILENCE FORCE 2200W AVEC SAC ROUGE | *** | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | Cold Forming' Roll Finishing Machine Make Escofier Model H40Z Serial No 40016 1997 Siemens Simatic OP37 PLC Control Plant No. MB60940. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,250 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 2500e | 10341 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | Cold Forming' Roll Finishing Machine Make Escofier Model H40Z Serial No 40023 1998 Siemens Simatic OP37 PLC Control Plant No. MB60941. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,250 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 2500e | 10522 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | 5-Axis CNC Vertical Gear Hobber Make Pfauter Model PE150 Serial No 27129 1988 Siemens Sinumerik System 3M Control. Plant No. MB60502. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,350 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 3500e | 17999 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | 5-Axis CNC Vertical Gear Hobber Make Pfauter Model PE150 Serial No 27371 1989 Siemens Sinumerik System 3M Control. Plant No. MB60541. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,350 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 3500e | 18319 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | 6-Axis CNC Horizontal Gear Hobber Make Gleason-Pfauter Model P100 Serial No 28403 1998 Siemens Sinumerik 840C Control. Plant No. MB60926. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,000 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 7500e | 28241 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | 6-Axis CNC Horizontal Gear Hobber Make Gleason-Pfauter Model P100 Serial No 28377 1997 Siemens Sinumerik 840C Control. Plant No. MB60924. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,000 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 7500e | 27137 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | 6-Axis CNC Horizontal Gear Hobber Make Gleason-Pfauter Model P100 Serial No 28206 1998 Siemens Sinumerik 840C Control. Plant No. MB60923. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,000 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 7500e | 27031 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | 6-Axis CNC Horizontal Gear Hobber Make Gleason-Pfauter Model P100 Serial No 28374 1998 Siemens Sinumerik 840C Control. Plant No. MB60927. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,000 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 7500e | 30484 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | 6-Axis CNC Horizontal Gear Hobber Make Gleason-Pfauter Model P100 Serial No 28375 1997 Siemens Sinumerik 840C Control. Plant No. MB60928. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,000 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 7500e | 28704 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | 6-Axis CNC Horizontal Gear Hobber Make Gleason-Pfauter Model P100 Serial No 28404 1998 Siemens Sinumerik 840C Control Plant No. MB60929. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,000 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 7500e | 28704 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | 6-Axis CNC Horizontal Gear Hobber Make Pfauter Model P100 Serial No 28133 1995 Siemens Sinumerik 840C Control. Plant No. MB60861. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,000 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 7500e | 30459 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | 8-Axis CNC Horizontal Gear Hobber Make Gleason-Pfauter Model P100L Serial No 28640 1999 Siemens Sinumerik 840C Control. Automated Parts Load/Unload System Plant No. MB61055. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,380 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 10000e | 65465 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | 8-Axis CNC Ho rizontal Gear Hobber Make Gleason-Pfauter Model P100L Serial No 28380 1997 Siemens Sinumerik 840C Control. Automated Parts Load/Unload System Plant No. MB60920. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,380 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 10000e | 56549 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | 8-Axis CNC Horizontal Gear Hobber Make Gleason-Pfauter Model P100L Serial No 28381 1998 Siemens Sinumerik 840C Control. Automated Parts Load/Unload System Plant No. MB60921. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,380 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. | 55016 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | 8-Axis CNC Horizontal Gear Hobber Make Gleason-Pfauter Model P100L Serial No 28407 1998 Siemens Sinumerik 840C Control. Automated Parts Load/Unload System Plant No. MB60922. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,380 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 10000e | 67185 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | Cold Forming' Roll Finishing Machine Make Escofier Model H40Z Serial No 40019 1997 Siemens Simatic OP37 PLC Control. Automated Parts Load/Unload System Plant No. MB60933. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,250 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 2500e | 7849 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | Cold Forming' Roll Finishing Machine Make Escofier Model H40Z Serial No 40020 1997 Siemens Simatic OP37 PLC Control. Automated Parts Load/Unload System Plant No. MB60934. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,250 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 2500e | 7774 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | Cold Forming' Roll Finishing Machine Make Escofier Model H40Z Serial No 40021 1998 Siemens Simatic OP37 PLC Control. Automated Parts Load/Unload System Plant No. MB60990. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,250 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 2500e | 7774 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | Cold Forming' Spline Roller Make Michigan Model Roto-Flo Serial No c1973 Plant No. MB60034. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €3,500 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 3000e | 8016 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | CNC Centreless Grinder Make Cincinnati Milacron Model 3-500 Twin Grip Serial No 78-370388-10 1988 Siemens Sinumerik System 3G Control. Marposs E9 Analog Amplifer. Automatic Wheel Dresser. Load/Unload Conveyors. Schimpke-Haan CK-48/TR Chiller Plant No. MB60556. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €4,500 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 7000e | 28821 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | CNC Centreless Grinder Make Cincinnati Milacron Model 3-500 Twin Grip Serial No 78-370389-08 1991 Siemens Sinumerik System 3G Control. Marposs E9 Analog Amplifer. Automatic Wheel Dresser.ABB LP20V Gantry Type Parts Load/Unload Robot (1990). Schimpke-Hann Chiller Plant No. MB60567. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €4,500 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 8000e | 33248 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | CNC Centreless Grinder Make Giustina Model R130-500 CF Serial No 4 1998 NUM 1060 Control. Grinding Wheel Dimensions 660 x 550 x 330,2mm, Regulating Wheel Dimensions 406 x 550 x 203,2mm, Elettrorava SM02 Balancing System. Etfa Gantry Type Parts Load/Unload Robot. Marposs E9066 Gauging System Plant No. MB60936. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €4,500 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 8000e | 21169 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | CNC Spline Roller Make EX-CELL-O Model XK275 Serial No 109856 1997 Siemens Sinumerik 840D Control. Max Slide Stroke 2050mm, Max Rack Length 1500mm, Max Profile Diameter (Standard) 125mm, Module Range (Standard) 0.3-2.0, Motor 45Kw, Hydraulic Tank 1000L, Weight (Approx) 15,000kg Plant No. MB60774. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €3,250 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 14000e | 46463 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | 6-Axis CNC Vertical Gear Hobber Make Gleason-Pfauter Model P200 Serial No 28338 1997 Siemens Sinumerik 840C Control. Parts Load/Unload Robot. BKW Chiller Plant No. MB60951. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,400 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. | 56511 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | 6-Axis CNC Vertical Gear Hobber Make Gleason-Pfauter Model P200 Serial No 28819 2001 Siemens Sinumerik 840C Control. Parts Load/Unload Robot. BKW Chiller Plant No. MB60951. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,400 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 18000e | 58905 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | 6-Axis CNC Vertical Gear Hobber Make Gleason-Pfauter Model P200 Serial No 28506 2000 Siemens Sinumerik 840C Control. Parts Load/Unload Robot. BKW Chiller Plant No. MB61088. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,400 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 18000e | 76407 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | Loading Robot Make ABB Model iRB6400 Serial No Pendant Controls. Plant No. FB65242. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €1,100 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 1500e | 4922 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | Loading Robot Make ABB Model iRB2400 Serial No 849 M94A Control, Teach Pendant Plant No. MB60852. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €900 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 500e | 2077 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | 6-Axis CNC Horizontal Gear Hobber Make Gleason-Pfauter Model P100 Serial No 28405 1998 Siemens Sinumerik 840C Control. THIS MACHINE IS BEING SOLD HAVING HAD THE CONTROL SYSTEM REMOVED. Plant No. MB60925. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €1,900 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 3500e | 18460 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | C-Frame Hydraulic Press Make Presses Model YH 400N Serial No 801 2000 400 Kn Capacity. Siemens Simatic OP7 PLC Control. Kistler Type 5859 Como II-S Control Monitor Plant No. MB61068. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €900 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 2000e AFTER SALE | 2392 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | Cold Forming' Spline Roller Make Michigan Model Roto-Flo Maxnova Serial No c1973 Plant No. MB60116. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €3,500 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 3000e AFTER SALE | 7176 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | Cold Forming' Spline Roller Make Michigan Model Roto-Flo Maxnova Serial No c1979 Plant No. MB60117. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €3,500 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 3000e AFTER SALE | 7176 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | Cold Forming' Spline Roller Make Michigan Model Roto-Flo Serial No c1973 Plant No. MB60033. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €3,500 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 3000e AFTER SALE | 7176 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | CNC Centreless Grinder Make Estarta Model 327 Serial No 721139 1992 Siemens Sinumerik 880M Control. Max Part Diameter 250mm, Max Infeed Grinding Length 500mm, Grinding Wheel Dimensions 650 x 500 x 304,8mm, Regulating Wheel Dimensions 355 x 500 x 203,2mm, Meyer Eltrobalance. Marposs E50 12" CRT Monitor. Marposs E75 Measurement Control Unit. Gantry Type Parts Load/Unload Robot, (Approx) 17,500kg Plant No. MB60574. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €4,500 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 8000e AFTER SALE | 11960 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | Spline Roller Make EX-CELL-O Model XK225 Serial No 109854 1997 Ex-Cell-O Automation System. Max Slide Stroke 810mm, Max Rack Length 610mm, Max Profile Diameter (Standard) 125mm, Module Range (Standard) 0.3-1.25, Motor 45Kw, Hydraulic Tank 1000L, Weight (Approx) 11,000kg Plant No. MB60956. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,500 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 8000e AFTER SALE | 11960 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | CNC Spline Roller Make EX-CELL-O Model XK275 Serial No 109914 2000 Siemens Sinumerik 840D Control. Max Slide Stroke 2050mm, Max Rack Length 1500mm, Max Profile Diameter (Standard) 125mm, Module Range (Standard) 0.3-2.0, Motor 45Kw, Hydraulic Tank 1000L, Weight (Approx) 15,000kg Plant No. MB61058. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €3,500 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 22000e AFTER SALE | 36085 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | CNC Spline Roller Make EX-CELL-O Model XK275 Serial No 109913 2000 Siemens Sinumerik 840D Control. Max Slide Stroke 2050mm, Max Rack Length 1500mm, Max Profile Diameter (Standard) 125mm, Module Range (Standard) 0.3-2.0, Motor 45Kw, Hydraulic Tank 1000L, Weight (Approx) 15,000kg Plant No. MB61057. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €3,500 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 22000e AFTER SALE | 36085 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | Spline Roller Make EX-CELL-O Model XK251 Serial No 109855 1997 Max Slide Stroke 1560mm, Max Rack Length 1220mm, Max Profile Diameter (Standard) 125mm, Module Range (Standard) 0.3-1.25, Motor 45Kw, Hydraulic Tank 1000L, Weight (Approx) 14,000kg Plant No. MB60773. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €3,250 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 12000e AFTER SALE | 13145 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | Cold Forming' Roll Finishing Machine Make Escofier Model H40Z Serial No 40022 1998 Siemens Simatic OP37 PLC Control Plant No. MB60938. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,000 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. AFTER SALE | 3608 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | CNC Spline Roller Make EX-CELL-O Model XK275 Serial No 109856 1997 Siemens Sinumerik 840D Control. Max Slide Stroke 2050mm, Max Rack Length 1500mm, Max Profile Diameter (Standard) 125mm, Module Range (Standard) 0.3-2.0, Motor 45Kw, Hydraulic Tank 1000L, Weight (Approx) 15,000kg Plant No. MB60774. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €3,250 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 14000e | 46463 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | CNC Spline Roller Make EX-CELL-O Model XK275 Serial No 109914 2000 Siemens Sinumerik 840D Control. Max Slide Stroke 2050mm, Max Rack Length 1500mm, Max Profile Diameter (Standard) 125mm, Module Range (Standard) 0.3-2.0, Motor 45Kw, Hydraulic Tank 1000L, Weight (Approx) 15,000kg Plant No. MB61058. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €3,500 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 22000e | 36085 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | CNC Spline Roller Make EX-CELL-O Model XK275 Serial No 109913 2000 Siemens Sinumerik 840D Control. Max Slide Stroke 2050mm, Max Rack Length 1500mm, Max Profile Diameter (Standard) 125mm, Module Range (Standard) 0.3-2.0, Motor 45Kw, Hydraulic Tank 1000L, Weight (Approx) 15,000kg Plant No. MB61057. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €3,500 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 22000e | 36085 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | Vertical Broach Make Forst Model RISH 4x1000x320 Serial No 12 1997 4 Ton Downstroking Capacity, 1000mm Stroke, 320mm Retriever Stroke, Siemens Simatic OP37 PLC Control Plant No. MB60788. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €1,500 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 750e | 3462 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | CNC Gear Hobber Make Liebherr Model LC122 Serial No 848 1995 Siemens Sinumerik 840C Control.Max Workpiece Diameter 125mm, Axial Travel 250 (400) mm, Shift Travel 180mm, Hob Diameter 90mm, Hob Length 210mm, Max Module 3, Hob speed 5,500 1/min, Load/Unload Carousel. Swarf Conveyor, (Approx) 8000kg Plant No. MB60862. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €1,100 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 5000e | 43953 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | 5-Axis CNC Vertical Gear Hobber Make Pfauter Model PE150 Serial No 27129 1988 Siemens Sinumerik System 3M Control. Plant No. MB60502. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,350 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 3500e | 17999 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | 5-Axis CNC Vertical Gear Hobber Make Pfauter Model PE150 Serial No 27371 1989 Siemens Sinumerik System 3M Control. Plant No. MB60541. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,350 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 3500e | 18319 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | 6-Axis CNC Horizontal Gear Hobber Make Gleason-Pfauter Model P100 Serial No 28403 1998 Siemens Sinumerik 840C Control. Plant No. MB60926. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,000 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 7500e | 28241 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | 6-Axis CNC Horizontal Gear Hobber Make Gleason-Pfauter Model P100 Serial No 28377 1997 Siemens Sinumerik 840C Control. Plant No. MB60924. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,000 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 7500e | 27137 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | 8-Axis CNC Horizontal Gear Hobber Make Gleason-Pfauter Model P100L Serial No 28381 1998 Siemens Sinumerik 840C Control. Automated Parts Load/Unload System Plant No. MB60921. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,380 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. | 55016 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | 6-Axis CNC Horizontal Gear Hobber Make Gleason-Pfauter Model P100 Serial No 28206 1998 Siemens Sinumerik 840C Control. Plant No. MB60923. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,000 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 7500e | 27031 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | 6-Axis CNC Horizontal Gear Hobber Make Gleason-Pfauter Model P100 Serial No 28374 1998 Siemens Sinumerik 840C Control. Plant No. MB60927. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,000 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 7500e | 30484 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | 6-Axis CNC Horizontal Gear Hobber Make Gleason-Pfauter Model P100 Serial No 28375 1997 Siemens Sinumerik 840C Control. Plant No. MB60928. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,000 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 7500e | 28704 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | 6-Axis CNC Horizontal Gear Hobber Make Gleason-Pfauter Model P100 Serial No 28404 1998 Siemens Sinumerik 840C Control Plant No. MB60929. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,000 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 7500e | 28704 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | 8-Axis CNC Ho rizontal Gear Hobber Make Gleason-Pfauter Model P100L Serial No 28380 1997 Siemens Sinumerik 840C Control. Automated Parts Load/Unload System Plant No. MB60920. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,380 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 10000e | 56549 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | Spline Roller Make EX-CELL-O Model XK251 Serial No 109855 1997 Max Slide Stroke 1560mm, Max Rack Length 1220mm, Max Profile Diameter (Standard) 125mm, Module Range (Standard) 0.3-1.25, Motor 45Kw, Hydraulic Tank 1000L, Weight (Approx) 14,000kg Plant No. MB60773. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €3,250 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 12000e | 13145 | OEP SARL |
28/03/2012 | x1 | Cold Forming' Roll Finishing Machine Make Escofier Model H40Z Serial No 40022 1998 Siemens Simatic OP37 PLC Control Plant No. MB60938. Price for disconnecting and loading on to transport is €2,250 Euro plus 19,6 % TVA (VAT). This amount will be added to the successful bidders invoice. Starting price 2500e | 3608 | OEP SARL |